QR-Code Restaurant Management System

The working process of this project is when user scans the QR code, that will display the menu of available items in the restaurant and also restaurant admin has credential access to update the menu according their items availabilty.

GitHub repository Demo site

The Basic Bank System

Here I have developed one web app using PHP, which performs basic transaction between users. Means one can send amount and other user can receive and the resultant will be uploaded in the database.

GitHub repository

Talk Banana

This is a CLI app which translates english language to minions language using API.

GitHub repository Demo site

DrumKit using VanillaJS

This is a web app which recognises the key stroke and plays corresponding audio.

GitHub repository Demo site

Updating CSS variables with JS

This is a web app which changes the CSS properties of the image using JS by using range sliders.

GitHub repository Demo site

To Do List using JS

This is a web app of To-Do List where we can list things which we want to do.

GitHub repository Demo site


This is a web app which you can keep track of list of expenses you spent on things and the total price will be displayed at top right corner.

GitHub repository Demo site